5 reasons why we’re loving the new Nova 5T release from Huawei 20 September 2019 We tested out the latest in tech and we’re obsessed. Keeping up with the latest tech is crucial for any girl-on-the-go, but finding a trusted
7 tips to get the best possible selfie 6 May 2019 Let’s face it, we expect a lot from our phones; they’re always on us and we tend to work them overtime. Make sure yours performs
How to use your phone to capture profesh looking photos 23 August 2018 Lock your grid game DOWN. At this point in time, it’s fair to say we’re all pretty proficient when it comes to taking a decent
Miss FQ’s digital editor explains what a day in her life is really like 12 June 2018 So what is a typical day really like for a digital editor? Miss FQ’s Kelly McAuliffe shares a breakdown of her 9-5… Except my day