With the average person spending 25 years asleep, ensuring you maximize your sleep patterns is more important than you think.
If you suffer from fatigue, sleep disorders like insomnia or just struggle to get a good night’s sleep then the below healthy sleep habits might make all the difference.
Try to incorporate the following sleep practices on a daily basis and aid getting a better night’s rest with these tips:
Stick to a schedule
Try committing to a similar bedtime and wake up time every day as this will help to regulate your body clock.
Before resorting to more drastic measures like sleeping pills, which come with a whole host of negative side effects, try adding a magnesium supplement to your daily routine. Magnesium has been found to assist sleep regulation. Studies show that 72 percent of adults do not receive the recommended daily intake of magnesium. A magnesium deficiency can impact energy, sleep, muscle recovery, cardiovascular support and brain function.
Detox from technology
Limit electronic devices from at least 30 minutes before bedtime. If you like to read before bed, ensure it is a physical book or e-reader that doesn’t emit blue light. Blue light tricks your brain into thinking it is still day time, reducing hormones like melatonin, which help you to relax and reach a deeper level of sleep.
Dim the lights
If your lights have a dim function – use it! Alternatively, turn lights off completely 30 minutes before bed and light candles instead. A relaxing ritual each night will help to prepare your body and mind for sleep.
Exercise during the day
Regular exercise doesn’t just deliver external benefits; it can significantly help with sleep problems too. Those who exercise regularly fall asleep faster and deeper.
Remove clocks from vision/arm’s reach
Don’t charge your phone near the bed – if you suffer from sleep anxiety, you’ll likely feel anxious and inclined to check the time throughout the night. Move your alarm clock and phone to another area of the room.
Avoid alcohol and heavy meals in the evening
Both can disrupt sleep, particularly large or spicy meals, which can cause discomfort and indigestion.
No caffeine after 2 pm
While caffeine definitely serves a purpose – to wake you up – it also stays in your bloodstream for up to eight hours. When consumed late in the day, the stimulation of your nervous system may stop your body from naturally relaxing at night.
Temperature control
A room that’s too hot or too cold will affect your quality of sleep, so take a little time to ensure the temperature of your bedroom is right for you.
Limit daytime naps
While tempting, those daytime siestas do not do your sleep problems any favours! Sleeping during the day can confuse your internal body clock, meaning you may struggle to nod off later or suffer from an interrupted night’s rest.