When Botox is administered correctly it can offer a relaxed, refreshed and more youthful appearance. It can help to enhance your features while also preventing those pesky lines and wrinkles developing for years to come.
It’s understandable that you might have some questions and reservations about the treatment – it does involve facial injections after all! To put your mind at ease, we’ve outlined what you can expect before, during and after the treatment:
At the consultation
During the initial consultation, a Registered Nurse will discuss with you exactly what your concerns are and manage your expectations to ensure you get the best result. Then they will make treatment recommendations to align with what you want to achieve and your budget. Now’s the time to ask any questions you have, to ensure you have a full understanding of the treatment.
At the Botox® appointment
At your first Botox® appointment, you’ll complete a medical consent form and pre-treatment photos are taken to track your results. This initial appointment is about 30 minutes, which is longer than follow on appointments which are only around 15 minutes. Your nurse will then talk you through the procedure before starting. It’s normal to feel a little nervous – eat and hydrate before arriving to help reduce any butterflies you might have. Botox® is injected directly into the targeted muscle using a fine needle. Most people describe the treatment as ‘slightly uncomfortable’ but it is over in no time!
WATCH: What To Expect Before, During And After Your Botox Treatment
Immediately after the treatment
Straight after the treatment, you may have a small amount of redness and swelling – this will usually resolve within ten minutes. Most people experience no pain or side effects, a small number get a mild headache after the treatment which can be eased with mild pain relief. You will be given post-treatment information which outlines all of the details and post-care advice.
1 day after the treatment
Most people will not experience any symptoms that show they’ve had the treatment done, however it is possible to have some minor bruising but this can be eased with some arnica cream and can easily covered with concealer. Occasionally, people may still have a mild headache. Noticeable results are not usually visible the next day, as it take a bit of time for the Botox® to kick in.
1 week after the treatment
After seven days, you’re likely to see the results of your treatment. The treated area will appear smoother and look more refreshed. After your first treatment, you may feel a slight ‘tight’ sensation or a feeling of ‘heaviness’, which will subside in a 1-2 weeks. If it’s your first treatment, it is best practice for the clinic to give you a follow up call to see how you’re feeling.
1 month after the treatment
A month down the track, your Botox® will still be very effective. Some people will have a very small amount of movement return, although this differs for everyone and also depends on the area treated.
3 months after the treatment
After 3 months, you will start to see a gradual return of movement. Caci recommend to rebook for an assessment and possible follow up treatment. If you have stubborn static lines on your face, it might be best to treat the area again, particularly if full movement has returned. To achieve the best results with more stubborn, deep set lines it’s best to avoid full movement in the area for a while to allow the lines to soften.
*This article was brought to you by Caci. To learn more bout Botox® and discover if it’s right for you visit caci.co.nz.
Botox® is a Prescription Medicine containing 50,100 or 200 units of clostridium botulinum Type A toxin complex for injection. It is used for the treatment of frown lines, crow’s feet and horizontal forehead lines. It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Cautions: people with defective neuro-muscular transmission disorders, presence of infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eye lids, lack of feeling & nausea. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure or if you have concerns or side effects. Note: Botox® treatment lasts about four months and after this time further courses of treatment may be necessary. Speak to your specialist about your own situation.