When it comes to creating focus – whether that be at the gym, in the office, before a sports game or on a flight – nothing beats zoning out to your chosen selection of music.
What creates even more focus, is when the rest of the world is cancelled out and you’re able to zen in on your task at hand — even if that task is just listening to Lizzo (although does anyone *just* listen to Lizzo, if you know what I mean?)
That’s why when we heard about Sennheiser’s third generation MOMENTUM Wireless headphones, it had us all erm, ears.
Known for their precision and balanced depth, on Sennheiser headphones you’ll hear Lizzo [or, insert your favourite artist here] the way they were meant to be heard; almost as if they’re there with you in the same room.
While you’ll be able to truck on without distraction or simply kick back and relax at the beach or poolside — we are heading into summer after all — should you still get interrupted (as we all inevitably do), Sennheiser have thoughtfully built in a ‘smart pause’ feature which means if you remove your headphones for whatever reason, the music will stop, and when you put them back on, the song will pick up exactly where you left off. You might not even want to take them off at all, thanks to the ‘transparent hearing’ feature, which will let external sounds in without removing them; great for hearing announcements when you’re travelling by public transport or not missing out on important work chat.
Sennheiser knows intuitive controls are the way forward, and have incorporated fast access to voice assistants and the Sennheiser Smart Control app so you can customise your experience to fit your own personal preferences.
Not content with absolute sound superiority, Sennheiser have made sure their products are about sleek design too — these headphones have a genuine leather head strap, super comfortable earpads and slick matte steel arms which fold up so you can tuck it away into its chic branded zip case.
Whether you’re looking to tune out completely or just snatching moments of time in between other tasks, it’s the season to embrace escapism. Long sunny days call for a carefully curated playlist (or the random joy of shuffle), and with Sennheiser on your ears you’ll elevate your mood, without losing your rhythm.
If you’re looking for us, you know where we’ll be…
Sennheiser’s new MOMENTUM Wireless headphones, $649.95, are available at all good electronic retailers. To find out more about the product, visit sennheiser.com.