Girl you need to know: Jess Quinn

18 July 2016
By Fashion Quarterly

Meet this incredibly inspirational and badass chick. Jess wears a prosthetic leg but she’s limbitless in fearlessly chasing her dream.

Breathe. Smile. & don’t let anyone kill your vibe. 👊🏼 📸 @parker

A photo posted by Jess Quinn: Limbitless 👊🏼 (@jessicaemilyquinn) on

If you don’t know who she is yet, you should.

Jess Quinn is an incredibly inspirational and badass chick who’s set out to prove she has unlimited potential. At the tender age of 9 Jess broke her leg and soon discovered she had bone cancer – a challenge that pushed her to her limits, but most certainly doesn’t define her. As a result of her arduous battle with the big C Jess had her right leg amputated at the knee. She now wears a prosthetic leg but she’s limbitless in fearlessly chasing her dream. Miss FQ caught up with the 23-year-old influencer to find out what makes her tick and hear about the next steps in her journey…

You’re working towards the incredible goal of running 10k. What inspired you to aim for that exactly?

Yes! I got my blade March last year and I worked hard in the studio for about 9 months getting used to the feeling and the motion of running that I hadn’t done for 15 years. I worked on my stability, glutes and overall control on the blade, I slowly began to run but I wanted to start making real progress and get running outside so I decided to set myself a goal to run 10k by 2017. At the time I’d only run about 10 strides at a time. I knew it was a huge goal to set but I have always been a ‘go big or go home’ kinda girl!

Judging from your Instagram, you seem to work out a lot! What does your weekly workout schedule look like?

I am a huge believer in listening to your body so my training schedule changes week by week depending on how my body is feeling. I aim to work out at least once a day. On a good week I’ll train everyday if not twice a day, starting with a HIIT workout off the Nike+ Training Club (NTC) app at 5.30am 3 days a week and 2 days a week doing cardio, either walking or running on my blade. Then I’ll do cardio and endurance training in the evenings if I’m feeling up to it. My favourite way to sweat is at NTC at Auckland Uni which I usually do on a Saturday! I also try fit in at least one Pilates session a week at PilatesFit Boutique. As well as this I’m starting to get back into boxing training so I’ve begun taking a boxing class on Sundays.

Don’t make excuses, just get up & do it 💪🏼 Thanks for smashing us at NTC this morning @estherkeown 👊🏼 #justdoit

A photo posted by Jess Quinn: Limbitless 👊🏼 (@jessicaemilyquinn) on

In the lead up to Val’s throw for gold in four weeks’ time, you’re also going to be taking part in Nike’s incredible Unlimited Potential Journey where you’ll be documenting your progress with us on Miss FQ! What do you hope to achieve in the next month?

Yes! I’m so excited for the next four weeks to really push my limits.

Along with working on my fitness levels, I’m going to be focusing on my glutes. I really want to build them up as a lot of the motion and power you get when you run comes from your glutes, so for them to be strong is crucial. I love the “Better Butt 2.0” workout in the NTC app, you seriously feel the burn & it’s only 15 minutes. Hello booty gains!!

Despite the challenges you’ve faced you seem to be on an extraordinary journey. What is the most rewarding aspect of everything you’re achieving at the moment?

It’s all really exciting but for me, I take so much pride in having the ability to be able to inspire other people. That’s the goal for me – to be able to use my journey, what I went through and go through on a daily basis to encourage others not to give up on their goals and dreams. We all have insecurities and challenges – it’s finding a way to still do the things you love and have confidence in what you do regardless. I’ve been getting messages from people in the midst of cancer treatment to girls struggling to overcome body image issues. I feel so honoured that they feel they can reach out to me for advice or encouragement because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about! We’ve gotta support each other!

When life knocks you down, get back up, smile, and say, “you hit like a b*tch” 👊🏼 📸 @parker

A photo posted by Jess Quinn: Limbitless 👊🏼 (@jessicaemilyquinn) on

What tips do you have for those people who feel like they don’t have time to incorporate working out into their busy daily schedules?

‘Busy’ is an excuse. We all have the same amount of hours in the day; it’s just a matter of prioritising.

For me – as much as getting up at 5am took a while to get used to – I prefer to get a workout in early before work because then I don’t make excuses up in the afternoon. It’s also sets my mind up for the day! I think it’s important to remember that you don’t have to block out hours for a workout! That’s why I use the NTC app – you just put in how much time you have and it’ll provide a variety of short workouts. A 15 minute ab or butt blast first thing or before bed is better than nothing!

Who is your role model? Someone who reminds you that despite any challenges you may face, you have unlimited potential?

Lydia O’Donnell. My running coach and AMAZING friend! Sometimes I feel like I set myself too big of a challenge but Lyds always believes in my goals and pushes me to achieve them! If I’m having an off day with running for example, she’ll just help me find another way to sweat. No matter what, we’ll keep moving!

Wellness and fitness go hand-in-hand, but I’m sure you agree are a little bit different. Do you have any wellness goals?

Wellness is really important for me! After having cancer at such a young age and I want to do everything I can to look after my body, physically and mentally. For me, my wellness goal would be to slow down. I’m not very good at relaxing ha ha. I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie, I relax by doing things so I need to learn to slow down and take a few moments in the week for myself. I try make sure I eat wholesome foods too so my insides are healthy.

What does your 9-5 look like?

5am: Wake up

5:30am – 6.30am: Gym

6.45am: Coffee (very crucial haha)

7am – 7.30am: Shower & get ready for work

7.30/8am – 4pm: Work – I’m a Product Designer by day.

4pm: Either training or work related to Limbitless – either a meeting or a photoshoot or home to do emails or write blog posts etc.

7pm: Dinner

9pm: Bed


I’m currently juggling Limbitless, working full time and training so things get a little hectic and no day is the same as the other but I try my best to fit everything in. I love it because it keeps me on my toes. I get really bored of routine so I make sure I change things up a bit depending what I have on for the week.

Where is your favourite place to eat out and what is your go-to order?

Catroux [in Auckland] is my favourite cafe! I get the Kumara Rosti with two poached eggs and spinach. And they literally have the best coffee in town!

Which active wear item is your current MVP?

My Nike LunarGlide 8’s. It’s super important that I have really supportive running shoes as I learn a whole new range of motion and these shoes have been amazing. They’re really lightweight but offer a lot of support in the heel and of course, they look even better than they feel. BONUS!

We’ve all got to have balance, right? What is your ultimate indulgence?

Totally! Balance is the key! Too many indulgences come to mind (that can’t be a good thing ha ha). I’m a sucker for a good pizza & chocolate night with the girls though!

Talk us through your beauty routine…

I keep it really simple, I don’t like to overload my face with too many products. I use an Environ face wash and moisturiser as well as a Vitamin E serum twice a day that evens out any pigmentation or dark spots. For makeup I use either a tinted moisturiser or a light powder and concealer followed by a bit of bronzer (particularly in winter!). I’m a firm believer that beauty comes from the inside – I notice when I get lots of sleep, look after my body and hydrate, I wear less make up because my skin is clearer! Beauty comes from within.

To get on your way to become a fitter, stronger you simply download the Nike Training Club app from the app store. To unleash your Unlimited Potential, create your own 4 week training plan and register here to join us at NTC Live classes


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