For those times when you need a chilled bottle on hand.
Try as we might to make sure the fridge is always well-stocked with a bottle (or two) of our favourite vino, we’ve all been caught on the hop at some point or another and had to deal with that age old problem: how do you chill wine you want to drink right now?
If you’re like us, you’ve tried pretty much everything to cool wine fast. You’ve had a go at the freezer technique which doesn’t really work because it only ever semi-cools. Ice-cubes have been an option, but water-y wine never goes down well. There’s also giving up and serving it as it comes – at room temperature (something we’re not a fan of doing – but hey, desperate measures etc).
But, thanks to some insider info from a master sommelier, we can put our days of warm wine well and truly behind us.
MyDomaine spoke to Brian McClintic, Somm star and resident wine connoisseur at The Resort at Paws Up in Montana, to ask if there was a way to chill wine – and fast.
McClintic revealed there was indeed a trick he had up his sleeve for such emergencies, and as you may have guessed, it involves a lot of ice.
But for it to really work, the sommelier explained, you also need plenty of salt.
“An ice-water bath with plenty of salt works like a charm,” said McClintic. “The full bottle should be submerged.”
The time-tested method is its own sort of science where the salt brings the temperature of the water down, but doesn’t allow it to freeze.
And in case you’re wondering how much salt, the sommelier says don’t hold back.
“It’s hard to say how much salt – let’s just say a liberal amount. What happens is the bottle is encased in ice and therefore comes down in temperature much more quickly.”
Just in case you’re in a hurry and need to cool your wine STAT, give the bottle a quick spin when it’s submerged and you’ll have lovely, chilled wine in no time at all.