There’s a secret to quick-growing luscious locks
Short hair for summer is great, that’s for sure. But what about when you’re ready for long hair again? You could just cheat and get extensions, but there’s another way that’s guaranteed to give results.
Oh, and we just want to let you know this doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars either.
Turns out for just few bucks you can get yourself a bottle of castor oil from the health food store or pharmacy and start hair growing home treatments yourself.
The oil is packed with a multitude of amazing vitamins and minerals, including loads of omega 9 fatty acids. The fatty acid, also found in other oils, nourishes the hair roots and follicles which helps it to grow.
By using a few drops, mixed with a few drops of rosemary oil in a smaller dropper bottle, and applying directly to the root line, the oil is able to penetrate directly into the pores.

For it to be effective, you’ll need to massage it into the scalp, but you don’t need comb through the ends. Remember, you’ll be applying to dry hair so you’ll want to make sure your hair is wearable, even if it’s only for a day or so.
As well as helping hair to grow longer faster, the oil has anti-fungal properties. This is great if you have problem dandruff or other fungal-type infections.
Check out the video above to see the best way to apply a castor oil mix to your hair.