10 street style moments that prove the bucket hat trend is an instant outfit game-changer | Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Shutterstock (10076569gg)

10 street style moments that prove the bucket hat trend is an instant outfit game-changer

4 February 2019

Transform your look in under 10-seconds.

The resur­gence of the ’90s has its ups and downs – The Spice Girls be­ing a cer­ti­fi­able ‘up’ and crop tops a de­fin­i­tive ‘down’. With nos­tal­gia in full swing, it was only a mat­ter of time be­fore the bucket hat worked its way back into our lives.

No doubt, the 10-year-chal­lenge fu­eled our rekin­dling love af­fair with this head­gear, but the seed was sown long be­fore by Prada’s SS19 run­way. A lit­tle more struc­tured than Oa­sis’ floppy it­er­a­tions back in the day, it’s also a heck of a lot more up­mar­ket. This sea­son is all about the posh twist be it with Burber­ry’s sig­na­ture tar­tan or in faux fur by Emma Brewin.

Cur­rently, streetwear and fash­ion have a sym­bi­otic re­la­tion­ship, feed­ing each other. This is their love child. Their sporty-meets-street style em­blem. Al­ready adopted by Susie Lau and Ri­hanna, our days are numbered be­fore we can no longer re­sist the lure of a hat that’s wear­able rain or shine.

Scroll for our favourite bucket hat street style moments below:



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