Amy Adams, Best Supporting Actress Nominee for The Master, looked breathtaking on the Golden Globes red carpet last night. Wearing a form-fitting nude-coloured Marchesa gown, her hair look, created by Laini Reeves for Moroccanoil, combined Old Hollywood and Deco references in a unique, loose, and modern way.
“It was such a special gown, off the shoulder with a beautiful flow of fabric,” said Reeves, “that I definitely wanted to accent that glamorous nuance.”
The head-turning style featured a new take on the classic marcel wave, with a small, loose, twisted bun placed on the side of the nape behind the waved detail. The bun was tied tight and low and held in place with small golden bobby pins.
“The style had to emphasise shine to reflect the light, and define the detail in a silky looking way. This allowed for a lighter, messier look without appearing disheveled.”
How The Look Was Created:
“We first shampooed the hair with Moroccanoil Extra Volume Shampoo and Moroccanoil Extra Volume Conditioner to give shiny volume without any weight.”
“After making a side part and brushing the hair into place, I dried it using my fingers, and placed a clip in the spot where I wanted the wave to start.”
“Next, I lightly misted Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine Spray from root to end for a natural-looking, luminous shine that would reflect the detail of the style.”
“Then I used a large crimping iron to form the wave, taking 2-inch vertical sections, starting at a face-flattering point alongside the corner of the eyebrow.”
“I sprayed the rest of the hair again with Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine Spray, brushed it through with a soft bristle brush, then pulled it to the lower right side of the nape.”
“After making a ponytail (held with a hair band), I twisted the hair around my fingers and rolled it into a little bun supported with gold bobby pins.”
“Once the bun was made, I could decide how loose or messy to make it. I decided to keep it airy for a textured modern look.”
“When I finished, I sprayed Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray Medium on the entire look for a natural-looking hold with shine.”