You only need to start using anti-aging products once you start to see the signs
You may be thinking you’re way too young to be using anti-aging products. But the truth is, signs of skin stress and sun exposure start to show on your face from your mid-twenties, and taking steps earlier than that can help in your later years. First and foremost, keeping your skin hydrated with the right type of skincare and using sun protection religiously will certainly help to keep some of those wrinkles at bay. Fine lines around the eye area, which can crop up in your twenties, will benefit from a good eye cream.
Concealer should be lighter than your foundation
Unless you want to highlight the areas you are trying to hide, this myth needs to be uncovered. Choose a concealer which is a similar tone to your makeup otherwise it will just look like you’ve covered something up rather than disguising the problem.

Shaving makes your hair grow back thicker and darker
Before you get hysterical and throw your razors out, fear not fellow shavers – this is one myth I am about to bust! What happens when we shave our legs is we cut the naturally tapered end of the hair off to a point that is thicker and darker. This means regrowth can be pricklier because it is growing from this point.

You only suffer from acne when you’re young
Although we all wish this myth was true – it isn’t. Surging hormones that don’t slow down can mean adult acne can be a reality for some of us. To treat the problem, your best bet would be to ask a dermatologist to look into the cause and work on a solution to get those pesky spots on their way out.
Wash your face until it is squeaky clean
If you’re hearing a squeak in your skin after washing your face, you are cleansing too much. Using a cleanser that is too harsh can cause irritation and you’ll be left with a tight feeling which is not a good thing. If you have a sensitive skin, choose an option that works in with your skin needs – many brands offer a sensitive version these days and choosing cleansing pads can be a more gentle and effective way to make sure you are getting a thorough cleanse without irritation.
Makeup causes breakouts
Myth! I won’t have a bad word said about makeup! It isn’t makeup that makes you breakout; it’s not removing it that causes problems. Late nights can equal lazy nights which mean mascara marks on the pillow case… eeek. Cleansing and removing all traces of makeup needs to become a daily habit if it isn’t already.
Don’t apply mascara to your bottom lashes
It’s said that mascara on the bottom of your lashes can cast a shadow, although this isn’t necessarily true. If you rub your eyes throughout the day this can give a “panda-effect”, but a light slick of mascara to the lower lashes can work wonders to create definition.

Face oils and oily skin don’t mix
For oily skin sufferers, the thought of putting beauty oil onto your skin fills you with dread. But applying an oil like rosehip or hazelnut to your face means your body doesn’t have to produce as much, and can help to draw out impurities.

Pump your mascara wand to get product on it
No, no, no! Do not pump your mascara wand. This does nothing but dry out your product, meaning you have to spend more money replacing it. Dipping the wand into the bottle and giving it a bit of a twist will coat it evenly enough.

Brightening products whiten your skin
Brightening and whitening products can often get confused. It’s important to know that a brightening product is not going to bleach your skin into a shade resembling Snow White, rather work to help and improve the overall skin tone. Brightening products help battle dullness and uneven skin tone by using products like liquorice and vitamin C to help reduce melanin production in the skin.