Ayrburn Winter Wonderland Ball: best dressed guests and party pics

14 July 2024
By Fashion Quarterly

Single digit temperatures in the picturesque southern region of Arrowtown didn't stop society's most stylish from donning their best black tie ensembles.

FQ digital editor Louise Dunn wearing Harris Tapper and Meadowlark; FQ writer Amberley Colby wearing Georgia Alice; FQ art director Georgia Bramley wearing Paris Georgia; and Zoë Gibbs wearing Love James.

On a cool crisp idyllic Arrowtown evening, the fashion set came together for the inaugural Ayrburn Winter Wonderland Ball. The event, which began in The Woolshed, was part of the destination’s month-long Christmas Wonderland celebrations.

Captured by the talented Holly Burgess, VIP guests posed for Saltburn-inspired portraits against a backdrop of draped blue velvet. Attracting guests from across the country, in addition to Sydney-based Nadia Fairfax-Wayne and friends, the evening was nothing short of spectacular.

Come 10pm, guests made their way to The Barrel Room for the after party where expertly curated cocktails continued to flow into the early hours, gathering around open fires, tucking away in cosy corners, or congregating on the dancefloor.

See the best dressed guests from the Ayrburn Ball below (more to come):

Sarah Harris Gould and Harry Gould.
Beck Wadworth and Isaac Lindesay.
Will Mitchell and Laura Hadlow Mitchell. Laura wears Maggie Marilyn.
Melissa Marshall, Nadia Fairfax-Wayne, Emma Gott, and Jaimee Lupton (wearing Mariam Seddiq).
Nick Mowbray and Jaimee Lupton wearing Mariam Seddiq.
Rosalie Burns wearing Henne & Johansen, and Myles Taylor.
Zoë Gibbs wearing Love James and Rupert Paterson wearing Crane Brothers.
Rickie Dee wearing Superette and Camilla & Marc.
Willy Gresson and FQ art director Georgia Bramley wearing Paris Georgia and Meadowlark.
FQ writer Amberley Colby wearing Georgia Alice, and Tim Scanlan wearing Crane Brothers.
Nadia Fairfax-Wayne.
Andrew Vincent and Caitlin Crisp.
FQ digital editor Louise Dunn wearing Harris Tapper, Meadowlark, and Saben, with Mitch Renwick.
Sarah Lindsay and Joshua Preston.
Anna Reeve.
Albert Cho wearing Crane Brothers; Louis Esther, and Tobi Innes.

Photography: Holly Burgess

A special thank you to Someday Studios, Ayrburn, and Chris and Michaela Meehan. 


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