5 ways to get a better smile

8 August 2015
By Fashion Quarterly

Close-up of red lips

We’ve all dreamed of having that mega-watt, A-lister smile. Here are 5 tricks and tips to help you make your smile brighter:

1. Cut out the coffee
And the tea. And the fizzy drinks. You’ve had it drilled into you since your primary school years but somewhere along the way you’ve managed to forget how damaging certain foods and drinks can be. Your daily coffee or tea is not only staining your teeth, but if you’re adding sugar, you run the risk of enamel damage too, thanks to the high acidity in these beverages. If you can’t cut out caffeinated or sugar-loaded drinks completely, try to swap your Diet Coke for a glass of water and your flat white for a green tea every second or third day. When you are consuming caffeinated drinks and fruit juices, be sure to sip through a straw to minimise contact with the surface of your teeth and drink plenty of water in between to aid in flushing away those pesky acids.

2. Whitening
Whether you opt for a natural solution, at-home systems or leave it entirely up to the professionals, whitening is one of the quickest way to dramatically change the appearance of your teeth. Many toothpastes have whitening formulas which can whiten teeth gradually over time – you should be able to find an option fairly easily at your supermarket or local chemist. However if you’re looking for a quicker solution, a professional whitening treatment should give you faster results. Be sure to book in for a consultation with your dentist or orthodontist so they can advise which treatment will give you the best results and they will also set realistic expectations for your particular case. If you’ve got a bit more time on your hands and would prefer to whiten in the privacy of your own home, ask your dental practitioner about take-home kits which typically consist of a customised mouth tray and a specialised whitening gel to help give you more control over how white you want your teeth to go.

3. Pick the right shade of lipstick
A quick trick to making your teeth look whiter is to select a red or pink lipstick with blue undertones. Why? Basic colour wheel logic, people. Blues and yellows sit opposite each other on the colour wheel with blues cancelling out yellow tones when they’re positioned side by side. Lipsticks with orange undertones tend to just bring out more yellow-y tones so it’s best to avoid these if you’re attempting to dazzle people with your grin.

4. Get your glow on
Adding a bronzer to your makeup routine will not only give you that just-returned-from-holiday radiance that will make everyone talk in hushed whispers about how ‘healthy’ you look. But it will also provide a sun-kissed glow and contrast that will make your teeth appear whiter than usual. Try mixing a small amount of liquid bronzer into your foundation or tinted moisturiser for an all-over glow. Or stick to a matte finish and apply in a ‘3’ motion to all the spots where the sun would naturally hit your face: your temples, hollows of your cheeks and jaw.

5. Straighten up
Maybe you had braces as a teenager but your teeth have moved back over the years. Or maybe you just missed out the first time around and you’ve decided it’s finally time to get the smile you have always wanted. Whatever the case (and whatever your age), there are so many reasons to be enthusiastic about adult orthodontic treatment—that winner’s grin you’ll have at the end of it being the obvious one. What you probably won’t be enthusiastic about is the thought of a mouth full of metal brackets and wires. Well get ready to turn that frown upside down because thanks to the Invisalign System, you can now get a straighter smile without metal braces. Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear, virtually invisible and removable aligners to gradually move teeth into their desired position. The aligners are worn for 20-22 hours each day and every two weeks, you’ll replace them with the next aligners in the series. You can change your aligners yourself at home, but you’ll need to visit your orthodontists or dentist for a check-up roughly every 6-8 weeks to ensure your treatment is on track and to receive the next few sets of aligners. In addition to being more discreet and comfortable to wear than traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are also removable so you can eat and drink whatever you like during treatment, brush and floss as normal and even leave them out altogether for special occasions.  A popular choice for adults, but also a great option for teens The Invisalign System has been designed with your lifestyle in mind. And because it’s virtually invisible, you can smile throughout your treatment as well as every day after. Invisalign treatment requires a prescription and your orthodontist or dentist will advise if this product is suitable for you. www.invisalign.co.nz.

See below for more info:

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* This article was brought to you by Invisalign.


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